“Since the day Phil and I started working together on Local Habit and things related to it, I have been nothing but inspired. It was really nice dealing with an agency that understood start-ups. Phil being a serial entrepreneur really showed empathy and support all the way through. He didn’t always say the things we wanted to hear but the things we needed to hear- i.e., keeping things simple, releasing the product on time vs. holding back to add features. Another thing that draws us to Phil and Doejo is the quality of their work and team. Each Doejo team member we have worked with has added value to the process. We have done everything with Doejo from web design to Iphone App Development. We are so pleased with the working relationship that we have held back in hiring designers for our next few projects and will outsource to Doejo. When you outsource with Doejo, you feel like the person you are working with is a part of your team. Phil is a respected member of the start-up community in Chicago and known by key individuals outside Chicago. I look forward to working with Phil and Doejo in the future. “